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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Winter rock climbing in a safe little corner of Mexico

As the head guide here in EPC I don't really see much snow through out the year. Many of my friends are winter guides in places like the Tetons and New Hampshire. They can be quick to poke fun at the fact that I am a southerner and do not like the cold. Don't get me wrong; I can tough it out with the best of them. I just don't like to and I know it. So I avoid winter. I come to El Potrero Chico to guide winter rock climbing. I first came here 5 years ago on vacation, and now I live here half the year. I never feel threatened like the media would like me to feel. I always feel welcome, strong, well fed, and most importantly; warm.
I love all of the winter rock climbing down here in El Potrero. The classics that I guide never get old: Space Boys (5.10d), Estrellita (5.9), Pancho Villa Rides Again and many others. I also like to pick a fitness project every year like: Mother Ship Connection (5.13) or Hombre de Rifle (5.13a). I really like to stay fit during the winter and El Potrero is the best place for me to do it. I could go to Spain or China or Thai Land, but why? Mexico is close, easy and welcoming. The bolts are safe because we monitor and replace them as needed. There is a rescue service that we, El Potrero Chico Climbing School provide free of cost. There are even free self rescue courses offered every month. The camping is easy inexpensive, clean and safe. The food is sooooo good. There is a real family atmosphere around La Posada. Also ITS WARM! I love winter rock climbing in Mexico.